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My Mission 

My brightest passion in life is self-expression and the merger of earth and ether. Our humanness and our divinity. Two arguably very different facets of our being that come together and culminate into what is our very own unique soul signature. The force that animates and informs our ways of doing and being in this world.


An expression, that can dim when faced with the trials and tribulations of life. Burdened by the obstacle and challenges we face that can often leave us uninspired, unmotivated, and lacking inner confidence. The ways in which we express ourselves can become distorted through pain, and warped by the pressure to conform.



Together, with the help of Spirit, we excavate, uncover, and rebalance the environment around your heart to reignite that inner spark. So your unique soul can shine bright and boldly in this world.

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I've learned that life is a ever-evolving journey. The highs and lows will come, the season of your life will shift, but the ways in which you hold yourself in each moment is optional. 


I've walked my own assorted path, falling in and out of love, trust and faith: in myself and in the world. Operating from fear and untended wounds. 


I know what it is to be buried under the burdens of my heart. I know what it is to dim your spark in the hopes of managing this wild ride we call a life. I spent years hiding myself away. Avoiding the hot, heavy vulnerability that comes with living a life aligned to your soul expression. 


I've come to learn that to deny yourself is a form of self violence. Even if it started for what seemed to be good reasons at the time.

To end the war within ourselves is to end the war against ourselves. 


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